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Changing Children

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Passing State To Children


This section is a stub - it may require more detail added to it in future.

Previously, we found that we could pass state objects as properties to bind them:

local message = State("Hello")

local gui = New "TextLabel" {
    Text = message

message:set("World") -- sets Text to World

The same principle works for [Children] - you can pass in a state object containing any children you'd like to add, and they'll be bound similarly:

local child = State(New "Folder" {})

local gui = New "TextLabel" {
    [Children] = child

child:set(New "ScreenGui" {}) -- changes the child from the folder to the screen gui
local child1 = New "Folder" {}
local child2 = New "Folder" {}
local child3 = New "Folder" {}

local children = State({child1, child2})

local gui = New "TextLabel" {
    [Children] = children

children:set({child2, child3}) -- unparents child1, parents child2

Note that when a child is removed like this, it is only unparented, not destroyed. Make sure to destroy any instances you remove if you're not using a helper like ComputedPairs.

Deferred Updates


This section is a stub - it may require more detail added to it in future.

Changes to bound children are deferred until the next render step, just like changes to bound properties.