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SpecialKey type since v0.2

The standard interface for special keys that can be used in property tables for instance processing. Compatible with the New and Hydrate functions.

    type: "SpecialKey",
    kind: string,
    stage: "self" | "descendants" | "ancestor" | "observer",
    apply: (
        self: SpecialKey, 
        value: any, 
        applyTo: Instance, 
        cleanupTasks: {Task}
    ) -> ()


  • type - identifies this table as a special key
  • kind - gives a developer-friendly name to the object for debugging
  • stage - determines when the special key should apply itself during the hydration process
  • apply - the method that will be called to apply the special key to an instance

Example Usage

local Example = {}
Example.type = "SpecialKey"
Example.kind = "Example"
Example.stage = "observer"

function Example:apply(value, applyTo, cleanupTasks)
    local conn = applyTo:GetAttributeChangedSignal("Foo"):Connect(function()
        print("My value is", value)
    table.insert(cleanupTasks, conn)


When using New and Hydrate, properties are applied in the following order:

  1. String keys, except Parent
  2. Special keys with stage = "self"
  3. Special keys with stage = "descendants"
  4. Parent, if provided
  5. Special keys with stage = "ancestor"
  6. Special keys with stage = "observer"

There are multiple motivations for splitting special keys into stages like these:

  • Before we parent descendants to the instance, we want to initialise all of the instance's properties that don't depend on anything else
  • Before we parent the instance to an ancestor, we want to parent and initialise all of the instance's descendants as fully as possible
  • Before we attach handlers to anything, we want to parent to and initialise the instance's ancestor as fully as possible

For these reasons, the roles of each stage are as follows:


The self stage is used for special keys that run before descendants are parented. This is typically used for special keys that operate on the instance itself in a vacuum.


The descendants stage is used for special keys that need to deal with descendants, but which don't need to know about the ancestry. This is important because parenting descendants after the instance is parented to an ancestor can be more expensive in terms of performance.


The ancestor stage is used for special keys that deal with the ancestor of the instance. This is the last stage that should be used for initialising the instance, and occurs after the Parent has been set.


The observer stage is used for special keys that watch the instance for changes or export references to the instance. This stage is where any event handlers should be connected, as initialisation should be done by this point.

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