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New function since v0.1

Given a class name, returns a component which creates instances of that class. The property table may specify properties to set on the instance, or include special keys for more advanced operations.

(className: string) -> Component


  • className - the instance class that should be created


A component function. When called, it creates a new instance of the given class, populates it using the property table, and returns it.

Example Usage

local myButton: TextButton = New "TextButton" {
    Parent = Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui,

    Position = UDim2.fromScale(.5, .5),
    AnchorPoint =, .5),
    Size = UDim2.fromOffset(200, 50),

    Text = "Hello, world!",

    [OnEvent "Activated"] = function()
        print("The button was clicked!")

    [OnChange "Name"] = function(newName)
        print("The button was renamed to:", newName)

    [Children] = New "UICorner" {
        CornerRadius =, 8)

Property Table Processing

The props table uses a mix of string and special keys to specify attributes of the instance which should be set.

String keys are treated as property declarations - values passed in will be set upon the instance:

local example = New "Part" {
    -- sets the Position property
    Position =, 2, 3)

Passing a state object to a string key will bind the property value; when the value of the object changes, the property will update to match on the next resumption step:

local myName = State("Bob")

local example = New "Part" {
    -- initially, the Name will be set to Bob
    Name = myName

-- change the state object to store "John"
-- on the next resumption step, the part's Name will change to John

Special keys, such as Children or OnEvent, may also be used as keys in the property table. For more information about how special keys work, see the SpecialKey page.

Default Properties

The New function provides its own set of 'sensible default' property values for some class types, which will be used in place of Roblox defaults. This is done to opt out of some legacy features and unhelpful defaults.

You can see the default properties Fusion uses here.

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