Developer Tools
For the best Fusion experience, you can try out a range of developer tools. These aren't strictly required to use Fusion, but they can make your life a lot better!
FusionKit is a range of officially-endorsed tools distributed alongside the Elttob Suite. They're designed to take advantage of dedicated deep Fusion integrations, and are kept up to date with new releases of Fusion.
Work in progress
Official developer tools are still in the works; in the meantime, feel free to check out the community's recommendations below!
Community Tools¶
These tools are unofficial, community-made contributions. The Fusion project make no guarantees about them, and you won't be able to get support for them here. However, if you're looking for a broader diversity of options, then they may have something to offer 🙂
Have a new tool for this page?
If you use a component library, Roblox plugin, extension, command-line tool, or something else that benefits your developer workflow, you can suggest it for inclusion on this page!
Before adding a community tool to this page, it should meet various criteria:
- The tool must abide by Roblox's Terms of Service.
- The tool must be notable and actively used within the Fusion community.
- The tool should be compatible with a modern Fusion release.
- General purpose tools are also accepted if they can be used with Fusion.
If you believe a tool meets these criteria, you may add some details to this page, using these guidelines:
- Tools must be sorted alphabetically for neutrality.
- Descriptions should be short with a neutral, professional tone.
- In particular, do not exaggerate, market, or attempt to elevate one tool over another.
- Descriptions should usefully define the tool's capabilities.
- Ensure that it's clear how the tool works with Fusion, and give an accurate impression of the level of integration.
- You may only use these links:
- Get on Creator Store:
- Get on
- Add to Visual Studio Code:
- Code on GitHub:
- Learn more:
- All other links are disallowed unless an explicit exception is made by
a Fusion maintainer (e.g. well-known domains like
- Get on Creator Store:
If you're not sure, then follow the example of other listings. When you're ready, open a pull request with your changes and Fusion maintainers will review your additions for possible inclusion.

Generate Fusion code based on existing hand-made UI or instances.

Storybook-like plugin for creating sandboxed previews of UI components. Can be manually integrated with Fusion.
Fusion Autocomplete
Autocomplete class names, properties, functions, parameters, and special keys in Visual Studio Code when building instances.

Run your UI code in a preview window. Can be manually integrated with Fusion.

Theme-able Fusion component library with a modern, rounded look.

Quick, customizable components.

Build Roblox Studio projects with real code files, version control and an external editor of your choice. Can be used to work with source-code releases of Fusion.
Code linting tool that assists in writing simple, idiomatic Luau code. Useful for monitoring code quality of large Fusion projects.
Opinionated Luau code formatter. Can be configured to format Fusion code.
CSS-like style sheets for applying properties in bulk to selected Fusion instances.