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Rediscover the joy of coding.

Code is more dynamic, complex and intertwined than ever before. Errors cascade out of control, things update in the wrong order, and it's all connected by difficult, unreadable spaghetti.

No longer. Fusion introduces modern 'reactive' concepts for managing code, so you can spend more time getting your logic right, and less time implementing buggy boilerplate code connections.

Starting from simple roots, concepts neatly combine and build up with very little learning curve. At every stage, you can robustly guarantee what your code will do, and when you come back in six months, your code is easy to pick back up.

Illustration of state objects Illustration of state objects

Representing change

Fusion introduces ‘state objects’. They aren’t that complex, but allow you to write dynamic code that’s highly readable, behaves predictably and splits into parts easily.

State objects are used to represent changeable or dynamic values in your program. You can peek at their value at any time.

-- For example, suppose this function returned a state object.
local currentTimeObj = getCurrentTimeStateObject()

-- State objects are objects...
print(typeof(currentTimeObj)) --> table

-- ...and you can peek at their value (or ‘state’) at any time.
print(currentTimeObj:get()) --> 0.0
print(currentTimeObj:get()) --> 5.0

You can write out your logic using Fusion's built-in state objects. Here's the two basic ones, Value and Computed:

-- This creates a state object that you can set manually.
-- You can change its value using myName:set().
local myName = Value("Daniel")

-- This creates a state object from a calculation.
-- It determines its own value automatically.
local myGreeting = Computed(function()
    return "Hello! My name is " .. myName:get()

To watch what a state object does, you can use an Observer. For example, you can run some code when an object changes value.

-- This observer watches for when the greeting changes.
local myObserver = Observer(myGreeting)

-- Let’s print out the greeting when there’s a new one.
local disconnect = myObserver:onChange(function()

-- This will run the code above!

Illustration of creating instances Illustration of creating instances

Building instances

Fusion offers comprehensive APIs to build or enrich instances from code, so you can easily integrate with your game scripts.

Fusion provides dedicated functions to create and modify instances. They allow you to easily configure your instance in one place.

-- This will create a red part in the workspace.
local myPart = New "Part" {
    Parent = workspace,
    BrickColor = BrickColor.Red()

-- This adds on some extras after.
Hydrate(myPart) {
    Material = "Wood",
    Transparency = 0.5

They offer powerful features to keep all your instance code close together. For example, you can listen for events or add children.

-- This will create a rounded button.
-- When you click it, it’ll greet you.
local myButton = New "TextButton" {
    Text = "Click me",
    [OnEvent "Activated"] = function()
        print("Hello! I’m a button.")
    [Children] = New "UICorner" {
        CornerRadius =, 0)

You can also plug state objects in directly. The instance updates as the state object changes value.

-- Creating a state object you can control...
local message = Value("Hello!")

-- Now you can plug that state object into the Text property.
local myLabel = New "TextLabel" {
    Text = message
print(myLabel.Text) --> Hello!

-- The Text property now responds to changes:
print(myLabel.Text) --> Goodbye!

Illustration of processing animation Illustration of processing animation

Animating anything

Fusion gives you best-in-class tools to animate anything you can think of, completely out of the box.

Fusion lets you use tweens or physically based springs to animate any value you want - not just instance properties.

-- This could be anything you want, as long as it's a state object.
local health = Value(100)

-- Easily make it tween between values...
local style =, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad)
local tweenHealth = Tween(health, style)

-- ...or use spring physics for extra responsiveness.
local springHealth = Spring(health, 30, 0.9)

Tween and Spring are state objects, just like anything else that changes in your program. That means it's easy to process them afterwards.

-- You can round the animated health to whole numbers.
local wholeHealth = Computed(function()
    return math.round(health:get())

-- You can format it as text and put it in some UI, too.
local myText = New "TextLabel" {
    Text = Computed(function()
        return "Health: " .. wholeHealth:get()

You can even configure your animations using state objects, too. This makes it easy to swap out animations or disable them when needed.

-- Define some tweening styles...
local TWEEN_FAST =, Enum.EasingStyle.Elastic)
local TWEEN_SLOW =, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine)

-- Choose more dramatic styles at low health...
local style = Computed(function()
    return if health:get() < 20 then TWEEN_FAST else TWEEN_SLOW

-- Plug it right into your animation!
local tweenHealth = Tween(health, style)

Sparked your curiosity?

Those are the core features of Fusion, and they're the foundation of everything - whether it’s complex 3D UI systems, procedural animation, or just a hello world app. It all fits on one page, and that's the magic. You don't have to keep relearning ever-more-complex tools as you scale up from prototype to product.

If you'd like to learn in depth, we have a comprehensive beginner's tutorial track, complete with diagrams, examples and code.

We would love to welcome you into our warm, vibrant community. Hopefully, we'll see you there :)

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