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Out is a function that returns keys to use when hydrating or creating an instance. Those keys let you output a property's value to a Value object.

local name = Value()

local thing = New "Part" {
    [Out "Name"] = name

print(name:get()) --> Part

thing.Name = "Jimmy"
print(name:get()) --> Jimmy


To use Out in your code, you first need to import it from the Fusion module, so that you can refer to it by name:

local Fusion = require(ReplicatedStorage.Fusion)
local Out = Fusion.Out

When you call Out with a property name, it will return a special key:

local key = Out("Activated")

When used in a property table, you can pass in a Value object. It will be set to the value of the property, and when the property changes, it will be set to the new value:

local name = Value()

local thing = New "Part" {
    [Out("Name")] = name

print(name:get()) --> Part

thing.Name = "Jimmy"
print(name:get()) --> Jimmy

If you're using quotes '' "" for the event name, the extra parentheses () are optional:

local thing = New "Part" {
    [Out "Name"] = name

Two-Way Binding

By default, Out only outputs changes to the property. If you set the value to something else, the property remains the same:

local name = Value()

local thing = New "Part" {
    [Out "Name"] = name -- When `thing.Name` changes, set `name`

print(thing.Name, name:get()) --> Part Part
print(thing.Name, name:get()) --> Part NewName

If you want the value to both change and be changed by the property, you need to explicitly say so:

local name = Value()

local thing = New "Part" {
    Name = name -- When `name` changes, set `thing.Name`
    [Out "Name"] = name -- When `thing.Name` changes, set `name`

print(thing.Name, name:get()) --> Part Part
print(thing.Name, name:get()) --> NewName NewName

This is known as two-way binding. Most of the time you won't need it, but it can come in handy when working with some kinds of UI - for example, a text box that users can write into, but which can also be modified by your scripts.

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