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New Instances

Fusion provides a New function when you're hydrating newly-made instances. It creates a new instance, applies some default properties, then hydrates it with a property table.

local message = Value("Hello there!")

local ui = New "TextLabel" {
    Name = "Greeting",
    Parent = PlayerGui.ScreenGui,

    Text = message

print(ui.Name) --> Greeting
print(ui.Text) --> Hello there!

message:set("Goodbye friend!")
task.wait() -- important: changes are applied on the next frame!
print(ui.Text) --> Goodbye friend!


To use New in your code, you first need to import it from the Fusion module, so that you can refer to it by name:

local Fusion = require(ReplicatedStorage.Fusion)
local New = Fusion.New

The New function is called in two parts. First, call the function with the type of instance, then pass in the property table:

local instance = New("Part")({
    Parent = workspace,
    Color =, 0, 0)

If you're using curly braces {} for your properties, and quotes '' "" for your class type, the extra parentheses () are optional:

-- This only works when you're using curly braces {} and quotes '' ""!
local instance = New "Part" {
    Parent = workspace,
    Color =, 0, 0)

By design, New works just like Hydrate - it will apply properties the same way. See the Hydrate tutorial to learn more.

Default Properties

When you create an instance using, Roblox will give it some default properties. However, these tend to be outdated and aren't useful for most people, leading to repetitive boilerplate needed to disable features that nobody wants to use.

The New function will apply some of it's own default properties to fix this. For example, by default borders on UI are disabled, automatic colouring is turned off and default content is removed.

Showing the difference between a text label made with and Fusion's New function. Showing the difference between a text label made with and Fusion's New function.

For a complete list, take a look at Fusion's default properties file.

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