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OnEvent is a function that returns keys to use when hydrating or creating an instance. Those keys let you connect functions to events on the instance.

local button = New "TextButton" {
    [OnEvent "Activated"] = function(_, numClicks)
        print("The button was pressed", numClicks, "time(s)!")


To use OnEvent in your code, you first need to import it from the Fusion module, so that you can refer to it by name:

local Fusion = require(ReplicatedStorage.Fusion)
local OnEvent = Fusion.OnEvent

When you call OnEvent with an event name, it will return a special key:

local key = OnEvent("Activated")

When that key is used in a property table, you can pass in a handler and it will be connected to the event for you:

local button = New "TextButton" {
    [OnEvent("Activated")] = function(_, numClicks)
        print("The button was pressed", numClicks, "time(s)!")

If you're using quotes '' "" for the event name, the extra parentheses () are optional:

local button = New "TextButton" {
    [OnEvent "Activated"] = function(_, numClicks)
        print("The button was pressed", numClicks, "time(s)!")
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