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Using components, you can assemble more complex instance hierarchies by combining simpler, self-contained parts. To do that, you should pay attention to how instances are passed between components.

Returning Children

Components return a child when you call them. That means anything you return from a component should be supported by [Children].

That means you can return one (and only one):

  • instance
  • array of children
  • or state object containing a child

This should be familiar from parenting instances using [Children]. To recap:


You can return one value per component.

-- returns *one* instance
local function Component()
    return New "Frame" {}
-- returns *one* array
local function Component()
    return {
        New "Frame" {},
        New "Frame" {},
        New "Frame" {}
-- returns *one* state object
local function Component()
    return ForValues({1, 2, 3}, function()
        return New "Frame" {}


Inside arrays or state objects, you can mix and match different children.

-- mix of arrays, instances and state objects
local function Component()
    return {
        New "Frame" {},
            New "Frame" {},
            ForValues( ... )
        ForValues( ... )

Not allowed

Don't return multiple values straight from your function. Prefer to use an array instead.

-- returns *multiple* instances (not surrounded by curly braces!)
local function Component()
        New "Frame" {},
        New "Frame" {},
        New "Frame" {}
Luau does not support multiple return values consistently. They can get lost easily if you're not careful.

Parenting Components

Components return the same values which [Children] uses. That means they're directly compatible, and you can insert a component anywhere you'd normally insert an instance.

You can pass in one component on its own...

local ui = New "ScreenGui" {
    [Children] = Button {
        Text = "Hello, world!"
} can include components as part of an array..

local ui = New "ScreenGui" {
    [Children] = {
        New "UIListLayout" {},
        Button {
            Text = "Hello, world!"
        Button {
            Text = "Hello, again!"

...and you can return them from state objects, too.

local ui = New "ScreenGui" {
    [Children] = {
        New "UIListLayout" {},

        ForValues({"Hello", "world", "from", "Fusion"}, function(text)
            return Button {
                Text = text

Accepting Children

Some components, for example pop-ups, might contain lots of different content:

Examples of pop-ups with different content. Examples of pop-ups with different content.

Ideally, you would be able to reuse the pop-up 'container', while placing your own content inside.

Separating the pop-up container from the pop-up contents. Separating the pop-up container from the pop-up contents.

The simplest way to do this is to pass children through to [Children]. For example, if you accept a table of props, you can add a [Children] key:

local function PopUp(props)
    return New "Frame" {
        -- ... some other properties ...

        -- Since `props` is a table, and `[Children]` is a key, you can use it
        -- yourself as a key in `props`:
        [Children] = props[Children]

Later on, when a pop-up is created, children can now be parented into that instance:

local popUp = PopUp {
    [Children] = {
        Label {
            Text = "New item collected"
        ItemPreview {
            Item = Items.BRICK
        Button {
            Text = "Add to inventory"

You're not limited to passing it straight into [Children]. If you need to add other children, you can still use arrays and state objects as normal:

local function PopUp(props)
    return New "Frame" {
        -- ... some other properties ...

        [Children] = {
            -- the component provides some children here
            New "UICorner" {
                CornerRadius =, 8)

            -- include children from outside the component here
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