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Get Started

Welcome to the Fusion tutorial section! Here, you'll learn how to build great interfaces with Fusion, even if you're a complete newcomer to the library.

But first, something important...

Do not use Fusion for real-world production work unless you're 100,000% willing and able to withstand large breaking changes.

Fusion is in very early beta right now! You will encounter:

  • bugs in core features
  • updates that completely remove existing features
  • changes in behaviour between versions
  • changing advice on coding conventions and how to structure your project

This is not a bad thing! Moving fast with Fusion at this early stage means we can quickly abandon counterproductive ideas and features, and discover much more solid foundations to build upon.

Don't be discouraged from Fusion though; feel free to follow along with our development and try using the library in your own time! More stable, long-term Fusion versions will be available once Fusion exits beta testing.

What You Need To Know

These tutorials assume:

  • You're comfortable with Roblox and the Luau scripting language.
    • These tutorials aren't an introduction to scripting! If you'd like to learn, check out the Roblox DevHub.
  • You're familiar with how UI works on Roblox.
    • You don't have to be a designer - knowing about UI instances, events and data types like UDim2 and Color3 will be good enough.

Of course, based on your existing knowledge, you may find some tutorials easier or harder. Fusion's built to be easy to learn, but it may still take a bit of time to absorb some concepts, so don't be discouraged 🙂

Installing Fusion

Fusion is distributed as a single module script. Before starting, you'll need to add this module script to your game. Here's how:

If you edit scripts in Roblox Studio...

Head over to Fusion's 'Releases' page. Click the 'Assets' dropdown to view the downloadable files:

Picture of Fusion's GitHub Releases page, with the Assets dropdown highlighted. Picture of Fusion's GitHub Releases page, with the Assets dropdown highlighted.

Now, click on the Fusion.rbxm file to download it. This contains the module as a Roblox model:

The Assets dropdown opened to reveal downloads, with Fusion.rbxm highlighted. The Assets dropdown opened to reveal downloads, with Fusion.rbxm highlighted.

Head into Roblox Studio to import the model; if you're just following the tutorials, an empty baseplate will do.

Right-click on ReplicatedStorage, and select 'Insert from File':

ReplicatedStorage is right-clicked, showing a context menu of items. Insert from File is highlighted. ReplicatedStorage is right-clicked, showing a context menu of items. Insert from File is highlighted.

Select the Fusion.rbxm file you just downloaded. You should see the module script appear in ReplicatedStorage - you're ready to go!

If you edit scripts externally... (advanced)

If you use an external editor to write scripts, and synchronise them into Roblox using a plugin, you can use these alternate steps instead:

Steps (click to expand)
  1. Head over to Fusion's 'Releases' page.
  2. Under 'Assets', download Source code (zip). Inside is a copy of the Fusion GitHub repository.
  3. Inside the zip, copy the src folder - it may be inside another folder.
  4. Paste src into your local project, preferably in your shared folder if you have one.
  5. Rename the folder from src to Fusion.

Once everything is set up, you should see Fusion appear in Studio when you next synchronise your project.

Setting Up A Test Script

Now that you've installed Fusion, you can set up a local script for testing. Here's how:

  1. Create a LocalScript in StarterGui or StarterPlayerScripts.
  2. Remove the default code, and paste the following code in:
    local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
    local Fusion = require(ReplicatedStorage.Fusion)
  3. Press 'Play' - if there are no errors, everything was set up correctly!
My script didn't work! (click to expand)
Fusion is not a valid member of ReplicatedStorage "ReplicatedStorage"

If you're seeing this error, then your script can't find Fusion.

This code assumes you've installed Fusion into ReplicatedStorage. If you've installed Fusion elsewhere, you'll need to tweak the require() on line 2 to point to the correct location.

If line 2 looks like it points to the correct location, refer back to the previous section and double-check you've set everything up properly. Make sure you have a ModuleScript inside ReplicatedStorage called "Fusion".

Where To Get Help

Fusion is built to be easy to use, and we want these tutorials to be as useful and comprehensive as possible. However, maybe you're stuck on a cursed issue and really need some help; or perhaps you're looking to get a better overall understanding of Fusion!

Whatever you're looking for, here are some resources for you to get help:

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